Watch the Replay:

The Talk:
- Points out how inadequate education in underserved communities can contribute to social injustice.
- Shows how Biblical characters who faced injustice utilized the power of prayer to overcome injustice.
- Discusses how this Biblical model of prayer can contribute to the well-being of our fellow citizens.
- Includes a video clip on the Bible theme, “by love, serve one another”, (Galatians 5:13)
- Small group discussions will follow the video.
About the Speaker
Dr. Joan Bernard Bradley is a former school principal and professor of education. She also served Principia for 9 years as a faculty member on both the college and St. Louis campuses. Her doctorate is in Educational Leadership and Administration.
Joan has contributed a number of articles to the Christian Science periodicals and the Monitor’s Religious Perspective. Two of her articles on education and social justice are entitled: “Brotherly love and fairness in education” and “Building a just society through God’s love.”
Currently, Joan offers Bible Connections workshops that show how to apply lessons learned from Bible role models to improve our practice of leadership.
She serves on the Continuing Education Working Group for Christian Science nursing, and on the board of The Principle Foundation.
If you have questions, contact Norm Williams at 303-403-2450 or