Wide Horizon’s building project is completed! Our Capital Campaign was a success! The fruitage is beautiful—after years of prayer, planning and implementation. To all of our generous donors—individuals, families, and foundations—THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
Some of these include generous donors and foundations which helped bring this project to completion and met the financial need include the Isabel Foundation, Wide Horizon’s wonderful staff members and guests for their adaptability and patience, William Brummett Architects for its professional design and shepherding of the project, Travis Vardell (interior decorator) and McDonald Carpet One (flooring and window coverings) for their beautiful finishing touches, and certainly Palace Construction for its excellent onsite and behind the scenes problem solving and attention to detail, which brought the project in within the budgeted $1.5 million construction cost.
Of course there are many others unmentioned that have made quiet or significant contributions! There were many times that the scene during construction, with many trades working side by side or in close proximity, with respectful understanding, was much like the accounts of the building of The Mother Church. Though not without its many challenges, the project moved forward in relative harmony and goodwill.
Throughout the project, we were inspired by Mary Baker Eddy’s definition of “CHURCH.” Our vision for Wide Horizon is to provide a Christian Science nursing facility in which the C.S. nursing and resources are of such a high standard that the resulting mental atmosphere “elevates” and “rouses” the “dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas” (Science and Health, p. 583), resulting in quick and effective healings through total reliance on Christian Science treatment. We see Wide Horizon as the manifestation of the Christ, Truth and Love–a city on a hill, shining and leading the way for all mankind, actively providing Christian Science nursing services in support of Christian scientific spiritual healing, as was demonstrated by Christ Jesus.
Come out to visit us and see all the new improvements!